Amazon IVS is a fully managed live streaming solution

Tailored to make low-latency and real-time live video available to global audiences, and enable you to create highly engaging interactive experiences

Low-latency streaming

Build low-latency interactive video experiences

Highly scalable live video with latency that can be under 3 seconds from host to viewer.

Made forStreamers
Scales beyond1M+Concurrent viewers
Up to1080pInput
Cozy stream
Amazon IVSAWSlive

Real-time streaming

Build real-time interactive video experiences

Live video with latency that can be under 300 milliseconds from host to viewer.

Lower than300msLatency
Up to12Hosts
Up to25KConcurrent viewers
Up to720pInput
Say something...

Stream chat

Build engaging live interactive experiences

Scalable and near real-time high throughput chat experience.

As low as100msEnd-to-end message latency
Made forChat rooms
Scales beyond1M+Concurrent participants
Up to100Messages per second

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